How Can Hypnotherapy Help?
There are many misconceptions about hypnosis because the only exposure most people get is from stage performances. To better explain what hypnosis is, it’s important to differentiate between what it is not.
Under hypnosis, you cannot:
do anything you do not consent to doing
get "stuck" (you can easily bring yourself out at any time)
lose awareness of what's going on
Hypnosis is a focused state of heightened awareness that comes from total relaxation. Think of it as a very deep meditative state.
This state is referred to as a trance. In trance, the conscious thinking mind is brought to stillness, which allows room to communicate directly with your subconscious. The conscious mind is a barrier to the subconscious mind – and the subconscious is where the majority of your pain, neurosis, and unresolved trauma is buried.
The subconscious acts like a primitive computer. It begins recording down experiences the minute you are born. As you go about your life, it labels every experience you have as ‘safe’, ‘unsafe’, ‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘scary’, ‘painful’, etc. Its main function is survival, and it is continually collecting evidence to create a mental map that ensures you live the safest, smartest way possible. The problem is that it can often be wrong in knowing what is best for you, which is unfortunate because it has so much control over how you live.
95% of your life is run by your subconscious programming. That means only 5% of you is consciously exerting control over your life. This is why often times it can feel like you act in ways that differ from how you desire to be expressing yourself, and why it's so difficult to change deeply engrained parts of yourself. It's not your fault. That's just how powerful your subconscious is once it's labeled something as a truth.
You can see how this creates problems. A lot of what suited you in the past is different than what you need in the present. Maybe you learned the world was a dangerous place. Maybe you learned you had to hide certain aspects of yourself to be accepted. Maybe you picked up a distrust towards other people in your environment. Whatever it may have been, all of your core beliefs about yourself and the world around you are stored within the subconscious mind.
Hypnosis is a tool to access this state, so therapeutic techniques can be applied, and outdated core beliefs/values/desires can be updated. It is essentially a means to rewrite the script you are operating from. Once the insides shift, the outside circumstances of your life rapidly will, too. You will strip away all the unneeded, conditioned layers that weren’t even really yours, to embody the truest essence of who you are underneath all of that.
Hypnotherapy works much quicker than traditional talk therapy. This is because we completely bypass the conscious, thinking brain in our sessions. Most therapists are only able to work with the subconscious via consciousness, which means the process is much slower and more complex. But if you want lasting results, your subconscious mind has to be on board with your changes too.